Home » Persian Herb Bean and Beef Stew(Ghormeh Sabzi)
Ghormeh Sabzi

Persian Herb Bean and Beef Stew(Ghormeh Sabzi)

This fragrant Persian Herb Bean and Beef Stew (Ghormeh Sabzi) loaded with herbs and greens like coriander parsley and spinach is considered the national dish of Iran and I have happily adopted it as a favourite as well. Tender cubes of meat simmered with a cocktail of beans and a hint of citrus. Add chilli if you want heat, I do!

The recipe calls for fenugreek , a sweet and aniseed tasting herb. While fresh fenugreek is hard to come by here in Sydney, it is available in dried form from the spice aisle. It can be omitted, and the stew will still be delicious without it, but it’s pungent aroma really makes this dish authentic-ish.

Pot of Ghormeh Sabzi
Hearty healthy and delicious. Warms you up Body and Soul.

Like any other stew, the beef will take a little bit of time to cook, but it will happily simmer along while you are doing other chores. Takes a while but well worth the wait. It warms the soul, nourish the body and so delicious! Also accidentally gluten free.

What you need to make Ghormeh Sabzi..

Herbs and Greens for Ghormeh Sabzi, fresh from my garden.
  • Stewing Meat – Traditionally lamb is used, but I prefer beef such as chuck steak cut up into 1 1/2 inch cubes . You can even use chicken pieces if that’s what you prefer.
  • Herbs & Greens – Leek,parsley,coriander,dill, garlic chives, spinach,fenugreek. Use a combination of 2 or more, about 400g in total to serve 4. You only need a smidgen of fenugreek.
  • Pantry/Fridge Staples – Onion,Garlic, Salt and Pepper, turmeric and paprika
  • Kidney Beans – I use canned kidney beans for pure convenience or canned bean cocktail with white beans,chick peas and kidney beans. If using dried beans, soak them in water overnight and cook separately until tender, then proceed per the recipe.
  • Dried Limes – These are available from middle eastern shops.Dried limes have a smoky and rich citrusy flavour. Pierce with a knife or bbq stick to release the flavour before adding to the stew. Substitute with fresh lemon or lime juice, but add towards the end of cooking.
Dried Limes
Dried Black Limes (Limoo Omani)

Easy does it..

  • Wash and finely chop the greens and herbs you are using. Use only the leaves and tender stems. discard the woody part. There’s a lot of herbs in there, so if you have a food processor now is the time to use it. In Iran, my sister in law Mahin, buys the herbs in bulk, then preps and portion them for freezing . You can also get packets of frozen herbs which are very convenient specifically for Ghormeh Sabzi from Persian shops here in Sydney.
  • In a dutch oven, sauté sliced onions in a little bit of oil on medium heat and cook until fragrant, then add minced garlic.
  • Add the meat and brown on all sides about 5 minutes. Stir in the spices: turmeric and paprika.
  • Add about 2 cups of water and bring to boil. Turn down the heat and simmer until meat is tender about 45 minutes.
  • Stir in the herbs, dried limes (if using) , drained beans and greens and cook for a further 20 minutes on low heat.
  • Correct seasoning with salt and pepper. If using fresh lemon juice add at the end to taste.

What to serve it with..

  • This dish was made to go with plain rice with a side of pickles. It has so much greenery it does not require a salad.
  • At a stretch, maybe some Lebanese bread or the Persian Barbary bread.

Persian Herb Bean and Beef Stew(Ghormeh Sabzi)

Recipe by Lola AdeleCourse: MainCuisine: PersianDifficulty: Easy


Prep time


Cooking time





Hearty and nourishing Beef Stew loaded with Greens and flavoured with Dried Limes


  • 500g stewing beef/lamb or boneless chicken,
    cut up into 1.5 inch cubes

  • 3 tablespoons cooking oil

  • 1 onion, peeled and sliced

  • 2 teaspoon minced garlic

  • 1/2 teaspoon each turmeric powder and paprika

  • 1 leek, white part only, washed and finely sliced

  • 90g each, parsley,coriander, garlic chives finely chopped

  • 1 bunch English Spinach, about 220g ,washed and finely chopped

  • 1 teaspoon dried fenugreek,optional

  • 2 -3 dried limes (pierce with a bbq stick)
    or juice of 2 fresh limes

  • Juice of 1 lemon

  • Salt and pepper to taste

  • 2 x 240g can kidney beans or bean cocktail, rinsed and drained

  • Chilli, if you like it hot


  • Carefully wash the the fresh herbs and greens you are using then chop finely. Use only the leaves and tender stems. Discard the woody parts.
  • Heat cooking oil in heavy bottomed pot such as a Dutch Oven. Add the sliced onions and fry gently until golden.
  • Add the meat and stir over moderate heat until brown on all sides about 5 minutes, then add turmeric minced garlic paprika and stir thru.
  • Add about 1 1/2 cups water ,cover and bring to a boil, then lower the heat and simmer until meat is tender about 45 minutes to 1 hour. Add more water as necessary.
  • Place the chopped herbs and greens including sliced leeks, dried limes,chilli if using, and drained beans into the pot and simmer for a further 20 minutes. Correct seasoning by adding salt and pepper to taste. Stew should be a little bit thicker. Cook off the water with the lid off if too watery.
  • Add lemon/lime juice to taste just before serving.


  • Serve with plain rice or Persian Barbary Bread

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